Everyone must learn the four things of Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking Course In Chennai

A vulnerability a hacker could use to take advantage of a person or organisation is found by ethical hacking in a system, application, or organisation’s infrastructure. Lawfully breaking into the networks and searching for vulnerabilities, they employ this approach to stop cyberattacks and security breaches. To acquire access and evaluate the organisation’s network and strategies, an ethical hacker imitated the actions and reasoning of a malicious user. Now FITA Academy will teach you the best Ethical Hacking Course In Chennai. Nowadays, hacking courses are in demand because of many cyber crimes.


Reconnaissance sometimes referred to as the information gathering phase or the footprint, is the first step in the ethical hacking approach. This preliminary phase aims to gather as much data as possible. The attacker gathers all the necessary data regarding the victim before attacking them. It aids in determining which attacks are possible to launch and how likely the organisation’s computer systems will be exposed to those attacks.

Footprinting gathers information from sources like:

  • Services for TCP and UDP
  • Vulnerabilities
  • via particular IP addresses
  • a network’s host

There are two types of footprinting in ethical hacking:

Active: Using Port scanning tools to search the enemy’s network, this footprinting technique directly collects data from the target.

Passive: This second footprinting technique gathers data without having physical access to the target. Attackers or moral hackers may gather information through public websites, social media accounts, etc.


In the second stage of the hacking process, scanning, the attackers look for various ways to obtain the target’s information. The intruder searches for data like user accounts, login information, IP addresses, etc. This ethical hacking phase aims to find quick and simple ways to log into the network and search for data. During the scanning phase, tools, including rotary dial phones, port scanners, network mapmakers, sweepers, and vulnerability scanning, are used to scan data and records. There are four significant categories of scanning techniques utilised in ethical hacking methods. These are what they are: If you want to learn the Ethical Hacking Online Course in your leisure time, we offer you that online course at an affordable price.

Vulnerability scanning: is the technique of identifying a target’s weak points and vulnerabilities and attempting to attack those weaknesses in various methods. Automated technologies like Vehicle allows OpenVAS, Nmap, etc., are used to carry it out.

Port scanning: listening to accessible TCP and UDP ports, active systems, and running services on the target host utilising port scanners, dialers, and other information tools or applications. Penetration testers and attackers use this scanning to locate open systems access points.

Network scanning: is a technique used to investigate ways to exploit networks and identify operational devices on a network. It might be a corporate network with a single network connecting all employee systems. Network scanning is a technique ethical hackers use to fortify systems and data by locating holes and creating access points.

How to Access:

The next hacking stage is when an attacker employs all available tools to gain illegal access to the enemy’s networks, systems, or applications. A system can be accessed and entered by an attacker using a variety of tools and techniques. This hacking phase aims to gain access to the system and use it for its intended purposes, such as demanding ransom, downloading malicious applications or software, stealing confidential data, or gaining unauthorised access. 

Upkeep of Access:

Once the attacker gains access to the target’s computer, they try to keep it that way. The hacker repeatedly assaults the system throughout this phase, executing DDoS attacks, using the stolen system as a launchpad, or stealing the entire database. Trojans and backdoors are programmes used to exploit a system’s vulnerability and steal login information, crucial data, and more. The attacker’s goal in this stage is to retain their unauthorised access while carrying out their destructive actions covertly. Ethical Hacking Course In Coimbatore We was founded for students and some working professionals. People are looking for the best ethical hacking courses for the best price.

Read more: Top 10 Ethical Hacking Institutes in Chennai


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